South Florida After-School All-Stars is a highly entrepreneurial organization that focuses our collective talents on providing our students with a transformative out-of-school-time experience. We work in a highly supportive and innovative team environment that values people first. Together we will continue to narrow the opportunity gap for low-income youth nationwide. Apply for one of our open positions now and come work with us to make a difference!
Our Work-Life Blend Philosophy: Here at South Florida After-School All-Stars we want our employees to thrive. We understand that trying to keep up with a work-life balance can often feel like a constant struggle. Our philosophy isn’t about making sure we have a work-life balance, but rather, a work-life blend.
Have you ever struggled to find time during the week to take your suit or dress to the dry cleaner? Or missed out on your child’s soccer match? Or wanted to get a manicure during the day? Or needed to pick up your child from school or daycare? These real-life examples happen all the time, which is why After-School All-Stars introduced its practice of Work-Life Blend.
The work-life blend model allows employees to mold both personal and professional life together that is ideal for you. Personal life events are important, too, and with work-life blend, employees can have a harmonious mix between work and life. You are expected to be overt and transparent about your boundaries and needs, so that you are better able to meet your goals.
In 2013, After-School All-Stars received the largest grant in our organization’s history from the New York Life Foundation. It was going to enable us to expand to six new cities within a three-year period. Exciting as that was, it was also daunting–not just in terms of the physical expansion, but also the emotional, the cultural implications of what expanding ASAS would mean. What did being an “All-Star” really mean?
As we considered the task before us, we realized that a focus on organizational culture and values was going to be essential to a successful expansion. Considering that our team would be expanding four times its 2013 size, we needed to identify what gave ASAS its unique culture, and what the specific values were that we wanted to honor and carry through into our new chapters.
At our National Office, we formed a culture committee charged with stewarding the values and celebrating employees. It can be easy when rapid growth is happening to focus solely on strategy, but as Peter Drucker said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” During that 2013-14 year, the culture committee led the organization in identifying our values and through a consensus-building process, we developed a values statement, reflecting who an All-Star employee is and how they will approach their work.
“We view leadership as service and keep in mind that our work is on behalf of our chapters, staff, students, and the communities we serve.”
Whether we are running programs on school sites, building websites, or recruiting for executive directors, each person’s role ultimately impacts young lives, and we take that responsibility seriously.
To build off our values statement, five organizational values were identified that describe how we implement our work on a day-to-day basis:
Accountable: We take ownership of our work. We set goals and make plans to meet them, and we expect results. Being an All Star is again, owning that our work impacts youth.
Proactive: We don’t wait to be asked for ideas or feedback. We look ahead to find solutions.
Entrepreneurial: we build and create. We look at our roles and figure out how to apply what we’ve learned toward the future.
Collaborative: We recognize that our quality is amplified by working together, within ASAS, with partners, and with the communities we serve.
Transparent: We are honest with each other, and we give credit where it’s due. In running a large organization, transparency is crucial to working collaboratively.
In addition to the culture committee, we’ve built the National Engagement Action Team (NEAT), a short-term team that closely analyzes our bi-annual engagement surveys, interviews staff, and makes recommendations. ASAS is striving to become a great place to work, and we continue to take stock of our culture and what is essential to our All-Star character. For us, culture is a continuous quest for quality improvement that requires gathering feedback, reflecting, implementing recommendations, then analyzing what works. Supporting a great culture for our staff ultimately affects our student culture, so to be true servant leaders, our investment in our culture is ultimately an investment in the students and communities we serve.
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